We are in our 34th year of broadcasting,

starting our journey on 23rd February 1991


This week we lost several absolute giants of music.

Condolencies to all the families involved x

Roy Ayers

Gwen McRae

Jerry Butler

Roberta Flack

Angie Stone


We are planning our next Anniversary party ......

Watch this space !!!

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Testamatol I had no power in my relationships with women

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So in case you feel lonely and want to find a girl for yourself, try to talk with someone on https://www.lustylocals.com/. There are lots of beautiful boys and girls, just try and check this site, maybe you will like it. You won't regret spending your free time there, trust me. It's a very nice website

I used to always worry a lot about this, but I advise you not to get upset and do not stop looking for a new relationship. Only this can really help.

I don't think you should be too desperate about this and I think that you can change a lot if you start actively communicating with new people. Often this is best done on the Internet on dating sites, just check www.chartattack.com/visit-the-psychologist-together-8-reasons-why-i... I myself often use one of the dating sites and I am very happy with what happens in the end. I think you should definitely start doing this and then a lot of things will change for the better in your life.

If you work in a large company, then look into neighboring departments So you can meet new employees and continue communication outside the office Working with your beloved in different departments, you will not be distracted from business Such an affair can become promising without a threat to your career

I recently discovered that I am tired of being alone. I spend most of my time on things that I don't need and I decided to change. For example, I decided to read the naughtydate review. This is a great way to connect with interesting people, talk to them, and meet them in person. Many people I know have warned me that this will never work, but I am confident in my ability to find the right partner.

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