We are in our 34th year of broadcasting,

starting our journey on 23rd February 1991


This week we lost several absolute giants of music.

Condolencies to all the families involved x

Roy Ayers

Gwen McRae

Jerry Butler

Roberta Flack

Angie Stone


We are planning our next Anniversary party ......

Watch this space !!!

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California workers? rights: a manual of job rights, protections and remedies pd

California workers? rights: a manual of job rights, protections and remedies pd

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19 Nov 2013 Interpretations Manual summarizes the policies and interpretations Filing Safety Complaint Or Refusal To Work In Unsafe Conditions . extent of the protections which the IWC intended (e.g., definition in Wage Order 5, Rights and remedies are the same as those provided in Labor Code § 98.6. California Workers' Rights: A Manual of Job Rights, Protections and Remedies The California Workers' Rights covers significant changes to the laws governing wage theft, Workers' Compensation, family leave, disability rights, and more, as well as major cases governing important rights Detailed Chapter Outlines PDF New publication from the UC Berkeley Labor Center. California Workers' Rights: A Manual of Job Rights, Protections, and Remedies by David A. Rosenfeld, Section 226(a) imposes penalties and other remedies where employees are Current and former employees and their representatives have a right to . The minimum wage ordinance also does not apply to employees who work .. 63 The manual is available at www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/dlsemanual/dlse_enfcmanual.pdf. California Workers' Rights : A Manual of Job Rights, Protections, and Remedies, Fourth Edition [David A Rosenfeld] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on OSHA Standards: Protection on the Job The OSH Act gives workers the right to safe and . California. Hawaii. Indiana. Iowa. Kentucky. Maryland. Michigan. Minnesota . medical treatment other than first aid, restricted work . Manual. If the area director decides not to inspect the workplace, he or she will send a letter toIn California, all employers must meet workplace posting obligations. See also AB 450, which prohibits unfair immigration-related practices against a person exercising specified rights. Safety and health protection on the job, Contains pertinent information regarding safety To view this sample, click here (Pdf) (Doc). Arise Chicago is proud to present our Workers Rights Manual, the only . collectively, or act together for other mutual aid and protection. In (immigrant workers in low-wage jobs) are often treated .. Discipline you, transfer you, or otherwise treat you differently pamphlet www.nlg.org/resources/kyr/kyr_English2004.pdf. determine what information we should cover in this manual. And special jobs and expanded their rights in the workplace by organizing labor unions. The “Unions” rights on the job. Workers under 18 have some special protections, relating to the hours . If you're 14 or 15, you need a pink form called CA-6. If you're 16

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