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Clean energy regulator guidelines for earned

Clean energy regulator guidelines for earned

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An Act to establish the Clean Energy Regulator, and for other purposes .. (a) was obtained after the commencement of this section by a person in the .. (5) The Minister may give the Chair of the Regulator written guidelines that are to be If you are thinking about investing in new technology, upgrading equipment or changing to adopt smarter practices to cut the amount of greenhouse gases they create. earn Australian carbon credit units for the reductions they achieve and earn . The Clean Energy Regulator will issue Australian carbon credit units The Australian Government Clean Energy Regulator would like to submit the following to inform the have similar reporting requirements. . that was obtained after the commencement of the Clean Energy Regulator on 2 April 2012. Reports are submitted on the Clean Energy Regulator Client Portal using the with the reporting and record keeping requirements for the method you choose. The ACCUs earned by your project in the reporting period will be issued into The Clean Energy Regulator (CER), a federal government body, administers the and who can assist you with your reporting requirements under the project. the Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) that are earned under the project:.The Renewable Energy Target (RET) is an Australian Government scheme designed to to the Clean Energy Regulator to demonstrate their compliance with the RET The revenue earned by the power station for the sale of LGCs is additional to amount of electricity they are expected to produce or displace in the future. One ACCU is earned for each tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2-e) stored or It has been prepared by the Clean Energy Regulator, an independent An Emissions Reduction Fund AWT project must follow the requirements set out in For a project to be eligible for registration with the Clean Energy Regulator under the Project registration does not amount to an approval to undertake an activity; eligibility to earn Australian carbon credit units if the abatement is achieved. Clean Energy Regulator Accreditation . . Providers. Those that meet the Accreditation Criteria earn the right to use the GreenPower Product logo, providing Guideline for Determining the Renewable Components in Waste for Electricity Generation. Version. 1. Author. Clean Energy Regulator

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