We are in our 34th year of broadcasting,

starting our journey on 23rd February 1991


Recently we have lost several absolute giants of music.

Condolencies to all the families involved x

Roy Ayers

Gwen McRae

Jerry Butler

Roberta Flack

Angie Stone


We are planning our next Anniversary party ......

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Dd form 1801 flight plan instructions for schedule

Dd form 1801 flight plan instructions for schedule

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18 Dec 2017 2. ICAO Flight plan. In the IVAO network, the format chosen for building the flight plan is the ICAO standard. Item 8 -Flight rules and type of flight S if scheduled air service equals the month and DD equals the day).DD-1801 International Flight Plan Gouge. Item by item description and instruction. Also available in Use capital letters. • Adhere closely to the prescribed format. S—Scheduled air transport N—Non-scheduled air transport. G—General DD Form 175 Military Flight Plan or DD Form 1801 International Flight Plan Abbreviated DD Form 175 or Daily Flight Schedule May be authorized by the Used for flights conducted in international airspace according to ICAO rules and. 8. FLIGHT RULES. TYPE OF FLIGHT. (FPL. 9. NUMBER. TYPE OF AIRCRAFT. WAKE TURBULENCE CAT. 10. EQUIPMENT. 13. DEPARTURE AERODROME. 12 Feb 2009 The cutoff and effective dates of GP and all Area Planning. Sections are published . DD FORM 1801 (DoD INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT PLAN) . The FAA will implement flight plan filing for civil aircraft using a format that aligns with International Civil To assist you in filing this format, the instructions below cover most of the information N if non-scheduled air transport operation. ORIGINATOR. SPECIFIC IDENTIFICATION OF ADDRESSEE(S) AND/OR ORIGINATOR. 3. MESSAGE TYPE. 7. AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION. 8. FLIGHT RULES. 25 Feb 2019 Completion of the ICAO flight plan form is quite simple and is only a matter of inserting the When completing a flight plan the following rules apply: S for scheduled air service: N for non-scheduled air service: G for general

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