We are in our 34th year of broadcasting,

starting our journey on 23rd February 1991


Recently we have lost several absolute giants of music.

Condolencies to all the families involved x

Roy Ayers

Gwen McRae

Jerry Butler

Roberta Flack

Angie Stone


We are planning our next Anniversary party ......

Watch this space !!!

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Eciwo acupuncture pdf ~587~

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This Pin was discovered by Amoy Ng. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest. Estudiar la Acupuntura ECIWO (El embrion contiene informacion de Todo el organismo) es parte importante en los estudios de la Acu-punctura porque nos revela el funcionamiento de esta ciencia ECIWO Acupuncture Allergic Rhiiitis Faruk Sahin A 42 ycar old male doctor r,vorking in an insurance hospilal had suffered from aller8ic rhinitis for 20 years. He complained ol a cofstant runn), nose with lits of sneezing sevefal tintes a day. He had twice Science Finally Proves Meridians Exist. By Azriel ReShel on Wednesday April 20th, 2016. Facebook. A range of healing traditions, including acupuncture, acupressure, massage and yoga, are founded on the principle of the existence of energy channels or pathways, known as meridians, or nadis Tsun or cun is the measurement of one "body inch" used locate acupuncture points. Measurement is always taken from the patient's hand. The width of the thumb is 1 cun, width of two fingers is 1.5 cun, four fingers is 3 cun. Proportional measurements: ECIWO biology and medicine a new theory of conquering cancer and a completely new acupuncture therapy by Zhang, Yingqing. Published 1987 by Neimenggu People's Press in People's Republic of China. Written in English. GB 20 or Gall Bladder 20 is one of the potent acupressure points for high blood pressure treatment. This point is also called the Wind Pool, and it is found at the back of the neck, in a depression on either side of the vertebra, right at the base of the skull. Some of the acupuncture points This publication is designed to provide competent, reliable, and useful information re- Acupuncture theory is premised upon the concept of Qi (pronounced Chee), which loosely translates as energy, life force, or function. The main point ECIWO biology and medicine: A new theory of conquering cancer and a completely new acupuncture therapy [Yingqing Zhang] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualify

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