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Instruction register sap1

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SAP-1 is a simple 8-bit computer architecture with only 128 bits of memory (16 bytes!), 2 program registers, and 5 instructions. A really simple computer. Here's a 8-bit (1 Byte) Instruction Register (IR). 6-cycle controller with 12-bit microinstruction word. 8-bit Accumulator. 8-bit B Register. 8-bit adder/subtractor. 8-bit Output 19 May 2015 1) The instruction register is part of the control unit. 2) To fetch an instruction from the memory the computer does a memory read operation. SAP-1 is the first stage in the evolution toward modern computers. At the same time, the instruction register is set up for loading on the next positive clock edge figure 10-1; 8-bit "W" bus; 4-bit program counter only counts up (starts execution at 0); 4-bit Memory Address Register (MAR); 16x8-bit memory; 8-bit instruction 25 Apr 2015 ? The contents of the instruction register are split into two nibbles. ? The upper nibble is a two-state output that goes directly to the block labeled "Controller-sequencer“ ? The lower nibble is a three-state output that is read onto the W bus when needed. 20 Jul 2017 The SAP 1 computer is truly a 'simple as possible' computer with two registers, an ALU, memory address register, instruction register, programInstruction Register. IR contains the instruction (composed of OPCODE+ADDRESS) to be executed by SAP1 computer. Controller-Sequencer. It generates the 9 Jun 2016 Accumulator. IR contains the instruction (composed of OPCODE + ADDRESS) to be executed by SAP1 computer. When the instruction is placed at W-bus from memory, the Instuction Register stores this instruction on the next positive clock edge. Includes the address & data switch registers Send 4 address bits and 8 data bits to the RAM RAM 16 x 8 Instruction Register Loads the content of the addressed

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