We are in our 34th year of broadcasting,

starting our journey on 23rd February 1991


This week we lost several absolute giants of music.

Condolencies to all the families involved x

Roy Ayers

Gwen McRae

Jerry Butler

Roberta Flack

Angie Stone


We are planning our next Anniversary party ......

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Nabh guidelines for needle stick injury protocol

Nabh guidelines for needle stick injury protocol

register. Number of needle stick injuries was collected Infection control is one of the areas where NABH in a separate register as per the NABH protocol. Every has set standards and guidelines to reduce hospital month infection control nurse collected the data from acquired infections (HAIs).
















According to CDC estimate 385,000 needle stick injuries occur annually in the U.S. hospital settings. Approximately half of these go unreported. Although this is a minor injury, transmission of disease is a concern. Blood filled hollow bore needles accounted for 63% of the needle stick injuries from June 1995 to July 1999. How to Deal With a Needle Stick Injury at Work. Medical workers are at risk for getting injured by needles and other devices used to puncture or lacerate the skin (sharps). Indeed, it is estimated that in excess of 600,000 needle stick WHO reports in the World Health Report 2002, that of the 35 million health-care workers, 2 million experience percutaneous exposure to infectious diseases each year. It further notes that 37.6% of Hepatitis B, 39% of Hepatitis C and 4.4% of HIV/AIDS in Health-Care Workers around the world are due to needlestick injuries. needle stick and sharp injuries..protocols 1. NEEDLE STICKS AND SHARPS INJURIES FACTS , LEGAL CONCERNS, AND CARE Dr. Ashish Jawarkar Dr. Ashish V. Jawarkar 1 (UWP) and PEP guidelines should be followed by HCPs to prevent occupational transmission of HIV, Hepatitis B and hepatitis C. 2. This Needle-Stick Exposure Protocol and CDC Recommendations for Dental Health-Care Providers Infected with the Hepatitis B Virus. NEEDLE-STICK EXPOSURE OVERVIEW. Needle-stick exposure in the dental setting can predispose to hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV infection. Every effort should be made to minimize risk and prevent such accidents from happening. 43. Guidelines on Needle stick Injury The following information is abstracted from the South African Department of Health guidelines entitled: "Management of Occupa

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