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Su-26 guide wot #853#

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World of Tanks Passing Tier 3 Guide by Eide. GETTING TO TIER 3. Tier 3 tanks on the Soviet side: SPG: SU-26 TD: SU-76 Tanks: T-46 / BT-7. HOW TO GAIN CREDITS. Of these 3 trees the tanks are the hardest to play at Tier 3. The reason is that you'll be severely under gunned and under armoured. The SU-26 is a Tier III Russian SPG The primary qualifications for my liking this tank so much is it's accuracy, speed, turret, and damage. Gamespy Rookies Guide; Overlord's Blog; UMP's WoT Fansite. World of Tanks fansite by Ursa Major Prime. Arty Party: SU-26 . Russian Tier III SPG SU World of Tanks, the free-to-play PC game, is making the jump to consoles. Avaiable on both the Xbox One and PS4, World of Tanks allows you to get in the driver's seat of some of the 20th century's WORLDofTANKERS.com - World of Tanks Strategy & Info Guide. MAP STRATEGY. If you don't know where to go on this map, try one of these Initial Starting Positions, find a safe spot which allows you a clean shot at where you think the enemy will be, then simply adjust from there, depending on your team and the enemy's deployment. World of Tanks on Console is a free-to-play, team-based MMO dedicated to strategic armored warfare in the mid-20th century. Tankopedia contains useful information on the World of Tanks vehicles for both new and experienced players. III SU-26. IV SU-5. V SU-122A. VI SU-8. VII SU-14-1. VII SU-26 or the SU-5 SPG's - posted in Game Guides and Tutorials: Im liking the fast reload of the 26, but the 76mm isnt quite doing any damage. Whats your take? World of Tanks Match Making System Guide by merig00. A lot of people are asking how the match-making system functions. So here is the general info based on the devs answers. It is so because the weight of the Hummel equal to the weight of 2 SU-26 (approximately) 4. Balancing platoons. The SU-26 is the best tank in the game, relative to its tier. Rammer/GLD/camonet, BiA (start mentor/repair and retrain) and you'll get at l

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