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While file exists autoit tutorial

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autoit file exists wildcard
autoit msgbox
fileexists autoit
autoit create folder
fileexists coldfusion
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Remarks. FileExists() returns 0 if you specify a floppy drive which does not contain a disk. If you are running in X86 mode (@AutoItX64 = 0) under a Windows is it possible to check if 2 files exists, and if 1 of them exists then do I do when only 1 exists EndIf Else If $sResult2 Then ; do what I do when it fails, because it works like FileExists("path") - checks existence of . of your function using that to cater for when a filepath (not folderpath is 16 Apr 2016 To check if a file exists, the function FileExists ("path") is used. The path can be path to a file or a directory. The function returns 1 for successwhile not FileExists(@desktopdir & "Firefox Setup 1.0.exe") sleep (1000) wend im trying to create a script that will autoinstall firefox. will this Sorry for posting such a simple question, but I've been coding since 8:30 this morning and I'm fried. I just need a little While/Wend loop to wait I can't figure out what is wrong with my logic. In this example: Dim $i = 1 $Folder = "C:ScratchScratch11\u0022 ; Test $File = "Hierarch.pm" While 1. if fileexists('G:bb.txt') then ExitLoop. WEnd. Exit. when I start the Process Explorer (ctrl-alt-del) then both programs. show 95 to 99% Hi I'm working on a script to do the following: 1) query a SQL database for a 4) if file doesn't exist, take the id of that file and obtain the .. Open("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE service = '1'", $oADO) While Not $oRS. If FileExists($filedir) Then ;Check if the file directory exist. .. When i made this script, i mostly copied stuff from the help file and changed the

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